New Methods for Security and Privacy of
CAN Bus Communication

Ph.D. Dissertation of András Gazdag

Supervisor: Prof. Levente Buttyán


The last decades of the automotive industry have seen a significant change with the adoption of embedded controllers. Digital circuits and software components have taken control of processes previously controlled by analog methods. In addition to supporting more integrated functions and services, the primary motivation for this change was to reduce manufacturing costs. While delivering the expected results, this shift also created an undesirable problem: vehicles inherited the cybersecurity weaknesses of computers. If an attacker can take control of a computer-controlled physical process in an attack, it can cause physical damage by logical means. In the transportation industry, such an attack could endanger human lives or cause significant financial loss.

In this dissertation, we address some of the new challenges. We investigate the problems of


Ph.D. Dissertation


Theses booklet (EN)


Theses booklet (HU)

Departmental defense:

Chair of the defense: Csaba Szabó (BME-HIT)
Reviewers: Zhendong Ma (DXC) and Árpád Török (BME KJK)
Date: 15. December 2023, 10:15 AM (Teams)