Cybersecurity Operations Fundamentals / Számítógépes rendszerek biztonságos üzemeltetése (VIHIAV43)

The aim of the course is to provide students an insight into the security problems related to the operation of computer systems. The course also discusses the basics of attacks against computer systems and defense against them. By discussing the possibilities of implementing defense, the students get an insight into the basics of operating a security operations center. The course examines the security of both networks and endpoints, from the perspective of both the attacker and the defender. A secondary objective of this course is to help students prepare for the Cisco Certified CyberOps Associate exam which can be taken at independent certification centers. The official rules and erquirement of the course can be found at the official site



The aim is to give an introduction to the SOC analyst role for the students by hands-on exercises.



Kiadott anyagok

Course materials

A kiadott anyagokat a Moodle rendszeren keresztül lehet letölteni.

The course materials can be downloaded from the Moodle sytem.



During the semester

Participation at all the labs with successfull entry tests.

At the end of the semester

Write a midterm test and a skills exam (practical task). The final result is the average of the midterm test and practical task results.

Órák ideje és helye

Time and location of classes



  • Tuesday, 12:15-16:00, IB.111


Megbeszélés szerint, az előadóval előre egyeztetett időpontban.

Office hours

Please contact the lecturer to schedule an appointment.



Date Topic Lecturer
1. Briefing T. Holczer and G. Ládi
2. Introduction, Windows T. Holczer and G. Ládi
3. Linux, Networking Basics T. Holczer and G. Ládi
4. Networking T. Holczer and G. Ládi
5. Network Devices and Network Security Infrastructure T. Holczer and G. Ládi
6. Threats and Attacks T. Holczer and G. Ládi
7. Defense T. Holczer and G. Ládi
8. Cryptography and Endpoint Security T. Holczer and G. Ládi
9. Logging and Basic Security Technologies T. Holczer and G. Ládi
10. Threat Hunting T. Holczer and G. Ládi
11. Skills Exam T. Holczer and G. Ládi
12. Final Exam T. Holczer and G. Ládi
13. Retake of exams T. Holczer and G. Ládi