
IT Security (MSc major specialization in the Computer Engineering program)

The IT Security major specialization introduces the main security problems of IT systems and the approaches, methods, and tools used to solve those problems. We put the emphasis on practical applications, while students also get familiar with the security analysis techniques and design principles through the analysis of different security solutions. Those who complete the IT Security major specialization are able to identify security problems in practical IT systems, analyze and understand such problems, and design and develop appropriate security solutions. The students also learn when and how to apply cryptography to practical security problems.

The IT Security major specialization consists of four courses (Software Security (VIHIMA21), Computer and Network Security (VIHIMA23), Cryptographic Protocols (VIHIMB08), Security of Machine Learning (VIHIMB09)) and two lab exercises (Software Security Laboratory (VIHIMA22), Computer and Network Security Laboratory (VIHIMB07)). We also supervise student semester and diploma projects.

In the past: IT Security (MSc minor specialization in the Computer Science program)

Semester and diploma projects

We offer semester and diploma projects that are related to the research activities in the lab, or proposed by our industrial partners, therefore, they provide the opportunity for the students to join our research and development projects, or collaborate with our industrial partners.

If you are a student interested in any of our current project proposals, please, get in touch with the given contact person of the project before officially applying. The contact person will let you know the necessary steps for taking the project officially.

Courses All | BSc | BProf | MSc | Elective

All | BSc | BProf | MSc | Elective

Coding and IT Security (VIHIBB01)

This BProf course gives an overview of the different areas of IT security with the aim of increasing the security awareness of computer science students and shaping their attitude towards designing and using secure computing systems. The course also gives an introduction to source software security and channel coding.

Topics: IT security in practice; user authentication and access control basics; memory corruption attacks; software security; web security; malwares; network security, firewalls, and IDS systems; introduction to cryptography; cryptographic protocols; lossless and lossy compression; channel coding.

Network Security in Practice (VIHIBB02)

This course gives an introduction into the security problems of computer networks, and it gives an overview of the possible solutions to those problems. It also covers issues related to secure operation of networks in practice, including modern tools and techniques used to ensure security. Students get theoretical knowledge and practical skills that form the basis of secure network operations.

Topics: authentication and authorization; firewalls; intrusion detection/prevention systems, SIEMs; virtual private networks; logging; network infrastructure security (e.g., DNSSEC); botnets; web security; spam filtering; detection of DoS attacks; routing security; network penetration testing

Networking and Security Laboratory (VIHIBC01)

This laboratory extends and deepens the knowledge and skills obtained in the Network Security in Practise and Computer Security in Practise courses by solving practical, hands-on exercises in real, or close-to-real environments.

Topics: VLANs; routing; DHCP and NAT; firewalls; virtual private networks; logging; ethical hacking

In the past