Önálló labor

Adminisztratív információk

Aktuális témák 2024

A laborban több aktív kutatási területeken lehet önálló labor, szakdolgozat, és diplomaterv témát választani. Ezeknek a területeknek a leírása található alább. Ha valamelyik tématerület érdekel, keresd meg a tématerületért felelős kollégánkat, és beszéljetek lehetséges konkrét feladatokról a területen belül. Ne feledjétek, hogy az önálló labor keretében egy-egy feladaton kisebb csoportban (team-ben) is lehet dolgozni. Az témáink a következő területekhez kapcsolódnak:
All, Embedded-Systems, Internet-of-Things, Malware, Machine-Learning, Software-Security, Security-Analysis, ICS/SCADA, Attack generation, Privacy, Security, Federated-Learning, Game-Theory, Economics

Economics of (cyber)security and (data)privacy

Kategória: Economics, Privacy, Security, Game-Theory, Machine-Learning

As evidenced in the last 10-15 years, cybersecurity is not a purely technical discipline. Decision-makers, whether sitting at security providers (IT companies), security demanders (everyone using IT) or the security industry, are mostly driven by economic incentives. Understanding these incentives are vital for designing systems that are secure in real-life scenarios. Parallel to this, data privacy has also shown the same characteristics: proper economic incentives and controls are needed to design systems where sharing data is beneficial to both data subject and data controller. An extreme example to a flawed attempt at such a design is the Cambridge Analytica case.
The prospective student will identify a cybersecurity or data privacy economics problem, and use elements of game theory and other domain-specific techniques and software tools to transform the problem into a model and propose a solution. Potential topics include:

  • CPSFlipIt: attacker-defender dynamics in cyber-physical systems
  • Risk management for cyber-physical/OT systems
  • Incentives in secure software development: why should programmers have proper security training?
  • Interdependent privacy: modeling inference with probabilistic graphical models
  • BYOT: Bring Your Own Topic!

Required skills: model thinking, good command of English
Preferred skills: basic knowledge of game theory, basic programming skills (e.g., python, matlab, NetLogo)

Létszám: 6 hallgató

Kapcsolat: Gergely Biczók (CrySyS Lab), Balázs Pejó (CrySyS Lab)